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The Fire Inside Page 8

  They had stopped for a late lunch at a small restaurant run by one of his pack. She’d ordered a large juicy steak and her eyes had slid closed with the first flavorful bite. It had been cooked to perfection. Konrad had ordered lamb with mint sauce, and had offered her a bite. She’d moaned in gratitude as the morsel had melted in her mouth. She could definitely see why he enjoyed it so much.

  Now the sun rode low on the horizon as Konrad tucked her into his side and they strolled quietly beside a small lake in a secluded area of his den. The heat of his palm warmed her hip.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  Tyra stopped, turning to face him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “About how this has been one of best days I’ve had in a long time.”

  He smiled, enfolding her in an embrace that brought her body flush with his. “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself. I like having you with me.”

  “I like seeing you interact with your pack. You all act like one big family.” Something she’d missed. Her father’s pack had been small, leading her to believe its size was responsible for the intimacy shared among its members. But Konrad’s was large, and yet they still shared the closeness.

  “I thought most packs were like that. Is that why you distance yourself so much? Was your alpha cruel?”

  Her gaze drifted to his chest. “No. Never cruel.” Sadness started creeping in and she didn’t want it to spoil this moment with him. She looked back up at his face, letting a smile play at her lips. “So, you have me out here all to yourself. What do you plan on doing with me?”

  “You’re evading.”

  She slid her hands up the tight muscles of his chest, digging her nails into his pectorals lightly. “Am I doing a good job at it?”

  “For now,” he whispered before nipping at her lower lip.

  Her lips parted and he rushed in, gliding his tongue provocatively against hers. Heat coiled inside her as his hands skimmed her bottom before lifting her off the ground. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he sank to his knees on the grass.

  The new position brought her core into contact with his erection, and she gasped, clinging tighter to him as he kissed and nibbled her neck. Her hips rocked against him as deep need clawed at her insides. She wanted him like she’d never wanted another. The need to feel his flesh against hers had her hands scrambling for the hem of his shirt. She pushed him back long enough to rip his shirt over his head.

  Her hands roamed over his upper body, relishing every hard plane and line. Her tongue and teeth played at the flesh of his neck and shoulder. Konrad growled his approval as he palmed her breasts in his hands. She felt the straps of her tank and bra slide down her shoulder, Konrad’s lips tracing each inch of skin he bared.

  A cool breeze floated across her flushed skin as he bared her breast. Her nipple had drawn into a taut peak.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he sighed before pulling the tip into his mouth.

  She cried out as she fisted her hand in his hair, holding him to her chest in a silent plea for him to continue his exquisite torture. Her hips moved faster against him.

  Konrad kissed his way back to her mouth, mumbling praises against her skin before reclaiming her lips. She felt his hand dip into the front of her white shorts, and she leaned back to give him greater access. Her body trembled and she grew slick with need as he dipped his fingers lower, caressing her sensitive flesh.

  “Yes…Konrad…please.” Her body burned like never before and she needed the release he could give her.

  He nipped her ear. “So soft…so wet.”

  She ran her tongue up the length of his neck and then moaned as he began to stroke the sensitive skin that burned for him. Her hips moved in abandon against him as he recaptured her nipple in his mouth. His tongue and teeth played a wicked game against her flesh as his talented fingers slid back and forth across her slick folds. Each stroke took her higher, causing her clit to swell and her pussy to throb. When he dipped a finger into her core, she cried out, a spasm running through her as her walls clenched his digit. Her orgasm rocketed through her as her body writhed against him, and she screamed, head tossed back.

  Spasms racked her body as she sailed away on a tide of ecstasy. She wanted him. Needed him. Now. She reached for the fly of his jeans, but he stayed her hands and gathered her close to his chest, one strong arm a band of steel at her back. Frustrated, she growled against his chest and tried to fight off his hold.

  “Shhh, Tyra. God knows I want you bad, but someone is coming.”

  His words washed over her like ice water. She hadn’t even been paying attention to her surroundings. Never had she felt safe enough to let go like this before. But now she could hear the approach and could even scent the familiar smell of Konrad’s pack. Staying close to his chest, she slipped her arms back into the straps of her bra and tank as Konrad removed his hand from her shorts.

  “Oh! Konrad, sorry. I didn’t know you were busy.”

  Tyra peered over Konrad’s shoulder at the tall golden-haired man approaching. A few seconds later a dark-haired woman came up beside him.

  “No problem, Cole. You coming in from patrol?”

  “Yeah. We were about to head to Javin’s. You gonna come, or are you planning to keep your new mate all to yourself?”

  The dark-headed woman popped Cole in the arm. “Cole, I swear. Please excuse my rude mate.”

  Konrad laughed. “No problem, Savannah. I’m used to him.” He tilted his head to look at Tyra. “What do you say? You want to go hang out for a bit, or should we go back to the house?”

  As much as her body burned to get closer to Konrad, she had a feeling it would be safer—for now—to be around others. “I think we should probably go hang out with the others.”

  “We’ll be there right behind y’all,” Konrad called out, keeping his gaze on Tyra.

  * * * * *

  Tyra laughed as Cole delivered the punch line to his joke. They’d arrived at Javin’s a few hours ago, and the pack members there had welcomed her as if she’d been there for years. She sat between Konrad’s legs and leaned back against his bare chest. He hadn’t bothered to put his shirt back on earlier. Various couples sat similarly around the fire pit, while others mingled and filled plates with BBQ and other side dishes. The moon, nearly full, cast a warm glow over the large backyard. The humidity was actually bearable, and even a nice cool breeze would waft past every once in a while. Everything seemed perfect, except for the tall blonde female who kept staring at her from across the yard.

  Konrad nuzzled her neck and she squirmed as goose flesh spread over her arms, a smile lifting the corners of her mouth. She was tempted to ask him to stay with her for the night, but she wasn’t sure if it would be the best idea. Once would never be enough with him, and besides that, being in heat meant she would be fertile as well. Yeah…definitely no going back after that.

  Babies? Hell, she’d never really ever considered children before. With her plans to remain unattached, it had never been an option. She gave a silent giggle. A child made of her and Konrad would have a stubborn streak a mile long. Konrad looked at her questioningly, a smile lighting up his face. She stared back into his amber eyes before laying a light kiss on his full lips.

  “What are you thinking about?” Konrad whispered.

  She shook her head slightly. This wasn’t a conversation she was ready to have, especially here. Things were moving way faster than she’d ever expected. She needed a moment to think. She pushed up on his knees and rose to her feet. “I’m going to get something to drink. You want something?”

  He looked up at her, a quizzical lift to one perfect arched brow. “No, I’m good.”

  She turned and walked toward the large raised wooden deck, where all the food and beverages were located. Even though warning bells were silently sounding in her head, she didn’t want to back off. For once in her life she had a chance at real happiness. The idea of seizing the chance both thrilled and scared her. She had so many issues that
needed to be dealt with, but as she looked across the yard and saw Konrad staring at her, raw hunger clear in his gaze, she wanted to be strong enough to conquer her fears. She wanted to be what he needed.

  “Hey, gorgeous!”

  Tyra turned to look at the male addressing her. She smiled as recognition dawned on her. Javin smiled back, his bright-blue eyes gleaming with mischief. Definitely a ladies’ man, this one. He wore his dirty-blond hair in the slightly mussed fashion that had become popular with men. His golden skin was on display as he wore only a pair of basketball shorts that rode low on his lean hips. “Hey.”

  “I see Konrad finally let you out of arm’s reach.”

  She laughed. “He is slightly overprotective.”

  “Hell, I would be too, if you were my mate.”

  She walked up the steps and found a place in line along the wood railing, Javin stepping in behind her.

  “Like you’re ever going to find someone to put up with your ass,” Luken spoke from behind Javin.

  Tyra turned with her back to the rail so that she could converse with the two of them as they waited in line. “Is he that bad?”

  Javin huffed. “No. Luken’s just mad because Katya moved on.”

  “Oh, and who was it you were dating again, Javin? Oh yeah, that’s right, your hand, I forgot,” Luken replied, voice heavily laden with sarcasm.

  Tyra laughed as Javin gave Luken the finger. With a smile, she accepted the plastic cup filled with beer from the woman who’d been put on keg duty. She turned, about to add her own quip to the witty exchange, when out of the corner of her eye she saw something black moving fast. She’d noticed it too late to react. Her back hit the wooden rails, and the splintering of wood rang in her ears a moment before she hit the ground, beer raining down on her and the blob of black fur that landed on her.

  Everything happened so fast. Roars sounded. Suddenly the black fur flew to the side. Tyra scrambled to her feet, her gaze whipping from one place to the next as she took in the scene in front of her. Konrad stood in front of her in his wolf form. A loud growl rent the air as he bared his teeth in the direction of a naked woman being restrained by Luken.

  The woman shook her blonde hair out of her face and glared up at Tyra. She was the same woman Tyra had caught staring at her on and off. Clearly she was pissed as her breaths sawed in and out of her lungs and she fought against Luken’s hold. Tyra’s gaze panned the area. A few people had shifted, others were in various states of disrobing, readying themselves to shift and defend.

  She noticed the basketball shorts Javin had been wearing hung off one of the broken boards that had made up the railing. A look over her shoulder confirmed he was now behind her, his hackles raised as he protected her from the rear.

  “She’s weak, Konrad! She doesn’t deserve to be your mate! The bitch didn’t even try to defend herself.” The last part came out in a wheezed breath as Luken tightened his arm around the woman’s neck.

  Konrad shifted back into his human form. “Get her out of my sight!” he roared.

  Luken jerked the woman to her feet.

  Tyra stood silent, eyes wide.

  “She didn’t even shift! I could have killed her! I should have. It should be me with you.” The last she cried out on a broken sob as other wolves growled their displeasure toward her.

  When Konrad turned and faced her, she saw silent fury burning in the depths of his amber gaze, but almost immediately the fierceness turned to concern as he pulled her into his arms. She didn’t know what to think—what to do. The woman was right. She hadn’t even partially shifted. She’d hardwired her brain not to shift on reflex. Who was she kidding?

  “Are you hurt?” Konrad breathed into her ear.

  The sound seemed deafening in the quiet that surrounded them. She didn’t have to look around to know that all eyes were on her. Did they see it too? Did the others know how weak she’d become? A shaky breath entered her lungs as she pushed back from Konrad’s chest. She couldn’t stay here. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, then ran.

  “Tyra, wait,” Konrad called out to her retreating form, but she didn’t stop. “Damn it!”

  His gaze panned the group that remained silent. The more submissive wolves hung their heads low, avoiding his gaze, while those who had more dominance looked around, an edginess riding their shoulders. But even they didn’t meet his gaze. He moved past his pack members and out the side gate in pursuit of Tyra.

  How in the hell had this happened? He knew Lara had some major jealousy issues after he’d ended their short-term fling, but he never would have guessed that she’d have the balls to attack his mate. Jealousy must be a powerful emotion indeed, if it caused someone to put her life on the line.

  He had no idea what he was going to do with Lara. He’d gone for her throat, and would have succeeded in killing her had Luken not snatched her away so fast. He’d had to force himself to change back into his human self before he went after her again, and if Luken got hurt for protecting her, then what-the-fuck-ever, but he knew that later when his temper cooled he would have hated himself if Luken had been hurt.

  He caught sight of Tyra as she turned, jogging across his front lawn. They’d only been a few blocks from the house. He turned and made his way into the house behind her. She hadn’t even bothered to shut the front door. Not a good sign. He found her coming back down the hall, her duffle bag in her hand. Tears had started to track down her cheeks.

  “No,” she ground out through clenched teeth as she avoided his outstretched hand.

  He stepped into her path again. “Tyra, talk to me.”

  “I need to go.”

  “I don’t want you to go. And there isn’t any reason for you to leave.”

  Her gaze went to the wall beside him. “You don’t understand, Konrad. She’s right. You deserve better than me.”

  “You’re wrong, Tyra. You were made for me. You’re the only one I’ll ever want. In my eyes nothing is better than you.”

  She pinned him with a hard stare, pulling her shoulders back and standing tall. “No. Maybe once in a different lifetime I could’ve been what you needed. But in this one I’m broken. I don’t think I can ever be fixed.”

  What in the world did she mean? Broken? “Tyra, I don’t understand. There isn’t anything wrong that can’t be fixed. What is really going on here?”

  She dropped her bag and pushed her beer-soaked hair away from her face. A tired laugh escaped her lips. “You know what? For a moment tonight, I thought I could get past it. I thought that maybe somewhere in me I could find the strength to love someone again. That I could let go of the fear.”

  A million questions ran through his mind, but he remained silent, not wanting her to stop talking.

  She crossed her arms in front of her chest. “You want to know where my alpha is? He’s dead. Along with my mother and all the rest of my pack.” She threw up her hands. “Gone. In a moment. My mother gave me her last instructions. ‘Run,’ she’d said. And I did. But not before I saw that bald-headed bastard dig his claws into her flesh.”

  Oh shit. He knew just what bald-headed bastard she referred to. Thanasis. The fucking bastard had taken his mate’s pack from her. Konrad knew Thanasis had property running down into Oklahoma, and he figured that was where his mate had come from, because he couldn’t remember any packs in this area that Thanasis had run over recently. He had to tamp down the fury inside him. His mate needed him right now. There would be plenty of time to avenge her later.

  “I shifted and I ran. There was no one. I had no one.” She stopped, swallowing a sob before continuing. “I remained in my animal form for years. I let the wolf take me. I didn’t want to hurt or feel. I couldn’t. I went on that way for so long that I feared I would lose every part of who I was. With the last piece of humanity I had left, I pulled myself together and shifted.”

  Anger and pain laced her scent with a bitterness that he could not only scent but taste thick over his tongue, driving his anger for her hurt and loss
to a new level. He tried to pull her into his arms, but she resisted.

  “No!” She pushed him back. “I was a coward—I am a coward.”

  “No. You were a scared little girl that didn’t have anyone to protect her. You did what you had to do to survive. You’re a survivor. You’re strong. You did what you had to do. I wish I could have been there for you then. But I’m here now. I’m not going anywhere, Tyra.”

  She sniffled and wiped the backs of her hands across her cheeks. “Really? You think I’m strong?”

  He didn’t like the tone of her voice. Her words came out defiant and disbelieving.

  “You remember the pills?”

  He stared back at her.

  “They’re sleeping pills. I haven’t shifted on my own free will in years. Tomorrow is the full moon, and you know what my big plan was? To find a way to get you to leave me alone so I could hole up here by myself, drugged. Because I’m too much of a coward to face that side of myself again. I’m too afraid I might not find my way back.”

  Despite her protests, he pulled her into his embrace. She fought him halfheartedly for only a moment before her weight sagged against him and she cried in earnest. He held her tight, the warm liquid of her tears coating his chest. He’d kill Thanasis. And it sure as hell wouldn’t be a fast death.

  She pushed against his chest, raising her head to look at him. “Do you see why? Can you understand why you have to let me go?”

  The pain on her tear-streaked face had his heart clenching. He cupped her face in his hands. “No. I won’t ever let you go. We can do this. Together.”

  Chapter Nine

  Tyra searched his gaze, the glowing amber warming her inside. She wanted to believe him. “I don’t want you to resent me later. And what if I can’t deal with the shift? What will you tell your pack when their alpha’s mate is not there to run at his side each full moon?”