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The Fire Inside Page 7

Her chest tightened. He’d been waiting for a response and she’d been so mixed up in her own thoughts she hadn’t answered him. Before he disappeared through the doorway, she reached out and gripped his forearm. “Konrad.”

  She felt his muscles tense under her grip. After a moment, he turned his amber gaze in her direction. Desire bloomed inside her. Last night, his kiss had cooled the flames, but now they seemed to return with new intensity. The close proximity of the bed behind her became a temptation. One she really needed to avoid. “Um…do you like coffee?”


  “Yeah. I’ll go make some.” She turned and beat a path toward the kitchen, irritated with herself for letting him put her on the run. Where had the tough girl gone, the one who had learned the hard way not to show weakness?

  She crossed over to the light-wood cabinets and began rummaging through them for coffee, finally finding it in the last one on the top row. The black coffee maker sat on the counter, its cord wrapped around it. Her hands set to work as her mind spun with a whirl of thoughts. It would be a temporary situation. Her apartment would still be waiting for her when they finished assessing the threat Xabier posed. Her gaze went toward the bedroom, where she could hear Konrad moving around. Did she want it to be temporary?

  She’d told him she’d give this a chance. With a sigh she hit the on button and braced her hands on the counter, her head hung low. A huffed breath parted her lips. She heard his approach and raised her head, looking at the coffee pot as it sputtered and released steam along with the dark liquid. His movement stopped behind her and she turned to stare at him. He looked wonderful in the dark polo shirt and low-slung jeans. The fabric hugged his large biceps, showing every crease and line of his muscles. He leaned against the island in the center of the kitchen, his hands at his sides, amber gaze studying her.

  “What’s your favorite color?”

  She couldn’t stop the short, surprised laugh that escaped her lips. “Ah…green, I guess.”

  His gaze locked with hers. “I like green as well.”

  She glanced down at the tile floor as her pulse jumped.

  He pushed away from the counter and placed his finger under her chin, tilting her face until she once again returned his gaze. “Don’t hide from me.” He nipped at her lower lip.

  Her breath hitched at his close proximity as her body began to tingle. She wished it was as simple as not wanting to hide. What she would give not to have her past plaguing her present. His gaze dropped to her lips. Would he kiss her again?

  The coffee pot sputtered loudly and released a burst of steam, breaking the intensity of the moment as it announced its completed cycle.

  He grinned, reaching around her to pull open the cabinet behind her. “Coffee’s ready.”

  She heard the clink of two mugs as he gripped them in one hand behind her. The move had brought his upper body into contact with hers. A breath filled her lungs, bringing in the wonderful spiciness of his scent. Her fingers curled into a tight fist as she fought the urge to touch him, and then he moved back, sitting the cups on the counter. She blinked rapidly then turned, heat rising in her face as she reached for the coffee pot. “Ah…do you like anything in your coffee?”

  “No,” he said, watching as she filled the mugs.

  She grasped one mug, ready to pick it up and hand it to him, but his large, strong hand covered hers. Her fingers released the handle and he gripped her hand lightly, raising it toward his lips. Her eyelids went to half mast as the fullness of his lips touched the tender flesh of her inner wrist.

  “Thank you.” He released her hand and picked up the steaming mug, making his way toward the small table in the center of the room.

  She picked up her own cup and turned, leaning against the counter, not trusting herself to sit close to him while her hormones seemed to be trying to jumpstart into hyper drive. She wasn’t sure how to deal with this charming side of him. His dominant tendencies were still present, but more subdued than usual. She studied his mirth-filled expression as she sipped her coffee. If she had to guess, she would think he was trying to woo her, and she had to admit the thought held appeal.

  He sat back in the high-backed wooden chair and stared at her, smiling. “What is your favorite food?”

  She couldn’t fight the smile that started lifting the corners of her lips, so she hid it behind the coffee mug by taking a sip of the hot brew. He’d taken her quite literally last night. She lowered the mug and answered. “Steak.”

  He lifted one brow as if he were filing away that information.

  She loved steak, but on her budget she didn’t get to eat it very often. “What do you like to eat?”

  He raised the mug to his lips and took a drink of his coffee before answering. “I like a lot of different stuff. But I would have to say my favorite is lamb.”

  She smiled. “I don’t believe I’ve ever had lamb before.”

  “It’s good.” He stood and approached the sink, sitting his empty mug inside it. “If you’re ready, we can head to your apartment.”

  She’d been enjoying their easy banter, but with his words came the realization she was standing in front of him in yesterday’s rumpled dress with bed head and morning breath. She placed her half-empty cup next to his. “Yes. I’m ready if you are. Just let me get my shoes.”

  She turned and made her way down the hall to his bedroom. Her gaze landed on the heeled sandals she’d kicked off beside the bed last night. With quick movements, she slid her feet into them and walked back to the kitchen, running her fingers through her hair in an effort to tame the unruly locks.

  He looked up as she came toward him, a smile lifting the corners of his full lips. “Ready?”

  She nodded and didn’t resist as he gripped her hand in his, leading her to the front door. The heat of his skin warmed her palm. They stepped outside and were welcomed by the bright warm sunshine. The humidity level had begun to climb, but it was still early enough that it felt more like indoor pool than sauna.

  Konrad had backed into the driveway and she noticed that a few of the neighbors across the street had either stopped what they were doing or peeked out through windows to look at her. Konrad assisted her into the passenger seat of his truck and as he closed the door, she squirmed. She could only image what she looked like to his pack members. Suddenly she wished she’d asked to at least borrow a brush before coming outside. She slouched down in the seat as he opened the driver’s-side door and got in.

  He closed the door and looked over at her. “What are you doing?”

  She’d slid down ’til her head was level with the dashboard. Keeping her gaze averted from him, she sighed. “We’ve attracted an audience.”

  He turned to look out the windshield and then back to her. “They’re just curious.”

  She gave a half laugh. “Yeah, they’re probably wondering how you got stuck with a rumpled mess like me.”

  Konrad leaned over and used his index finger under her chin to turn her head toward him. “Because I’m the luckiest wolf in the world.”

  Her eyes slid closed as he closed the distance between them. His lips were soft and sweet against her own. And then he pulled back and her eyelids fluttered open.

  “And you look absolutely lovely, rumpled clothes and all. But if it bothers you, we could certainly remove the dress.” He gave her a wicked grin.

  She couldn’t help smiling in return. “And I’m so sure that you only recommended that option to put my nerves at ease.”

  “Of course. I can suffer through anything as long as it brings you comfort,” he said, a teasing lilt lacing his words.

  She sat up and playfully hit him in the arm as he started the truck. His laughter filled the enclosed space and she felt her chest tighten. The sound of his laughter was like music to her ears. A sound she knew she’d want to hear again and again. She watched him as he drove. Every once in a while he glanced in her direction and bestowed a smile on her, but he never pressured her to talk. He was happy in the silenc
e between them, as if he knew she just needed a few moments to sort through her own thoughts.

  The thought of keeping things between them temporary became more like a security blanket. But was it time to let go of it? She’d once thought that she’d lost all traces of her humanity. She’d clung to her wolf, cutting off any emotions that weren’t directly connected to her survival. But she’d managed to claw her way back to the emotional living. It had been horrid at first, dealing with all the grief and anger at once after the years of keeping it suppressed. When the next full moon had approached she’d become afraid that slipping back into her animal would bring with it the security of dead emotions. Unsure that she would ever have the strength again to let go of the peaceful void, she’d stolen a bottle of over-the-counter sleep aids. When they were no longer strong enough, she’d sought out a doctor.

  But was she strong enough to be what Konrad needed and deserved? Back then it had been the animal or humanity. But with Konrad it would be both. She wouldn’t have the ability to cling to one or the other. And if she took the leap and became part of a pack…became a true mate…would she have the strength to not lose herself again if something bad happened? She didn’t know the answer, but looking at him now sure made her want to try. Everything was happening so fast, she didn’t know whether she could even trust her own emotions. With only a few days in his presence, she now questioned the choices she’d made. Would it really be wrong to reach for a little happiness?

  The truck came to a stop and she watched as he put it into park and silenced the engine. When he turned to face her, she smiled. She wanted to try.

  “You ready?”

  She nodded and then they both exited the vehicle. He met her in front of the grill and reclaimed her hand. She could get used to this. Fear started to rise with all the what ifs, but she tamped it down. She wanted to enjoy her time with him.

  Tyra looked up as she heard a feminine voice call out her name. She spotted Sylvia stepping down from the last step onto the asphalt of the parking lot, a big grin on her face.

  “Hey, Sylvia.” Tyra and Konrad came to a stop as Sylvia approached them.

  “I can’t thank you enough.” Sylvia’s gaze went back and forth between Tyra and Konrad. “Tim hasn’t taken another drink since…well, you know. He’s been really nice to me too.”

  “I’m glad things are looking up for you.” Tyra noticed the fading color of the bruise Tim had given Sylvia a few nights ago. She really hoped things continued to go well for the woman.

  “I was on my way to the store, so I won’t hold you two up. But I have to say,” Sylvia looked Konrad up and down, “you sure know how to pick ’em.’”

  Tyra felt heat climbing up her neck and face. She didn’t need to look at Konrad to know he most likely held a cocky grin.

  “Well, I’ll see you later.” Sylvia strode past them and on to her car.

  “That lady has good taste.”

  Tyra looked up at Konrad. She rolled her eyes. “Come on before your head gets any bigger.”

  He laughed and something clenched inside Tyra’s chest as she simultaneously tightened her hold on his hand, leading the way to the rickety metal stairs. Yes, she could definitely get used to that sound.

  She dug through her purse and pulled out her keys, making quick work of the lock. They crossed over the threshold and she watched as Konrad closed the door behind them. “It shouldn’t take me long. I just need to pack a few items, and I figured I should go ahead and shower and get dressed while we’re here.”

  “What can I do to help?” he asked with a devilish grin.

  She couldn’t help but smile back him, liking this playful mood he was in. “You can sit and wait.”

  He placed his hand over his chest. “You wound me.”

  “I think you’ll live,” Tyra shot back over her shoulder as she made her way into her bedroom.

  She reached into her small closet and gripped the black duffle bag at the bottom, tossing it behind her to land on the bed. Suddenly she felt flustered as she scanned the contents of her closet and began removing items to pack. She wanted to look good today, but she didn’t want to go overboard.

  As she began folding various shirts, pants and skirts, her gaze fell on an emerald-green tank top. Several people had said it made the color of her eyes pop. She sat it aside and finished packing the other items before crossing over to the small dresser and pulling out a pair of white shorts. Next she gathered up various bra and panty sets, setting a white lacy set aside to wear for the day.

  Tyra walked out of her room and felt her pulse kick up a notch as she caught sight of Konrad sitting on her sofa, his gaze intent and focused on her. “I’ll just be another few minutes.”

  He gave a brief nod and a smile that had her tingling all over. She walked into the bathroom and closed and locked the door. Resisting the temptation of his body, and the silent things his looks promised her, would be harder than she thought. She disrobed and showered quickly. As she stepped from the tub, she realized she’d left her clothes on the bed. She wasn’t used to people being in her house.

  A little late now. For a minute she thought about putting yesterday’s dress back on, but then a wicked side she didn’t know she had relished the thought of parading in front of him draped in a towel. Hey, turnabout was fair play. She wrapped the bath sheet around her and tucked the end in at the top near her breasts, a smile lifting the corners of her mouth. Part of her wondered how he would react. She opened the cabinet to retrieve her toothbrush and the toothpaste and her gaze fell on the prescription bottle beside them. The smile left her face and her hand trembled as she reached for it.

  The full moon was Sunday night. That was the whole reason she was off this weekend. She’d made up yet another story of a family member to visit, so she could spend the time crashed in her bed, running from this aspect of her life. How could she possibly be around Konrad on the full moon?

  Her belly gave a nauseous roll as she dropped the pills on the counter, and her hands came up to cover her face. Why did she have to be so dysfunctional? Her muscles stiffened as she brought her hands down. No. She could do this. She had to know if there was any chance she could even return to natural life. She closed the cabinet and stared into the mirror on its door. She looked so much like her mother, who had been strong and fearless. Even when the bald-headed bastard who took her life threatened and taunted her, she had flung insults back his way.

  What would her mother think of the person she’d become? What would she say about a daughter who let fear guide her every decision?

  Tyra yanked the cabinet back open and retrieved her toothpaste and toothbrush. With swift strokes, she brushed her teeth as she pulled her resolve into place. She didn’t have to worry about the choice now. Today, she’d enjoy herself. Tomorrow she’d worry about how to manage her shift. Surely she could make some excuse to spend the full moon by herself.

  Finishing her task, she gripped the pill bottle in her hand and headed out of the bathroom. A low growl caught her attention a second before she found herself caged, her back against the wall and Konrad’s firm body pressed against her front.

  His cheek skimmed against hers and she could feel his warm breath against her ear. Her lips parted on a sigh as his hands gripped her hips, pulling her pelvis flush against the evidence of his arousal.

  “You tempt me beyond reason.”

  Her body shivered against him as he nipped and kissed her neck before claiming her mouth. His tongue caressed the seam of her lips and she parted them, allowing him to thrust inside. Desire bloomed inside her, heating her body degree by degree. In an instant he’d consumed her with such passion that all other thoughts fled except the one that had her moving in closer to him.

  His hand found her breast and she moaned into his mouth as she wrapped her arms around his neck. The pill bottle hit the floor with a rattle, bringing her out of the sensual fog that had begun to enfold her. She pulled back with a gasp, releasing his neck to clutch at the towel t
hat now hung loose, threatening to spill down her body.

  Konrad’s amber stare remained fixed on her, his dark pupils dilated, as he took a step back. She squirmed under the intensity, her body tingling and missing the weight of his. Her gaze dropped to the floor, landing on the pill bottle next to his feet. His knees bent as he reached for the orange-tinted bottle. Panic and embarrassment swirled within her as she swiftly bent and gripped the bottle before his hand could touch it. She couldn’t explain the pills to him. She didn’t want to see pity or revulsion in his eyes—didn’t want him to think less of her.

  Oh who was she kidding? She knew he deserved better than the broken mess she’d become. But still she felt the selfish need to hide behind the facade of a normal were. Her grip tightened and she clutched the bottle to her chest, holding his gaze once more. His brow furrowed curiously. Could she lie to him if he asked about the medicine?

  “You should get dressed,” Konrad said in a throaty whisper before touching his lips briefly against hers—a slight grazing of skin that stole her breath.

  She blinked rapidly as he retreated back into the living room. Goose flesh erupted all over her skin as the cool air caressed her, making her miss the warmth of his embrace. On shaky legs she turned and headed for her bedroom. He hadn’t pressed her for answers even though she had clearly seen his inner battle to hold in the questions. Their kind didn’t get sick.

  But she would take her blessings when they came. She would take advantage of the short reprieve he’d given her.

  Chapter Eight

  The day passed by in a wondrous flash. Any lingering uneasiness had faded rather fast. Tyra smiled and laughed more than she had in years. They had visited the control station of the den, where she’d received many looks and whistles of approval that had Konrad glaring down some of his other pack mates.

  After that stop, Konrad always seemed to be touching her, as if he were laying his silent claim. She hadn’t minded in the least. In fact the attention he paid her went a long way toward easing some of her nervousness. His fingers had played several times over the back of her neck, sending a tingling sensation to zip through her body. A few times he had even led her into a quiet corner or behind a tree to kiss her passionately until her knees grew weak and she’d leaned into his solid body.